This Is Why You Should Travel More!

Traveling is beyond amazing. It has literarily shaped my life. I have been traveling ever since I can remember.  I recall catching the Greyhound bus with my mother at the age of six. We often journeyed to see my Grandmother who lived in a neighboring state. It was so much fun packing the small pink suitcase my father gifted me. This suitcase was very special to me. It was the first one I owned. For some strange reason, my Father thought it was a good idea to take a black permanent marker and write my name on the bag. There is no way my suitcase would go missing without people being able to identify who the true owner was!

I have a wonderful admiration for travel. It is ingrained in my history. I am always looking forward to my next vacation. I have traveled to different countries and each experience is invaluable. When you step outside of your comfort zone, meet different people, and encounter different cultures it enriches you. There is a whole world out there just waiting to be enjoyed by you. There are many reasons why you should travel more. 

Initially, it provides opportunities to experience life in a fresh way. There are so many things you discover about the world, yourself, and others as you go. For example, I recently had the honor to go to Ghana. It is a beautiful country in West Africa. Upon my arrival there, I immediately felt like I was home. It is hard to explain how I felt comfortable and connected to a place I had never been. Nevertheless, I felt like I was at home.

It was a cloudy August afternoon. The weather was warm, and the streets were bustling with cars, people, and commerce. The economy in Ghana is established in such a way that it forces its citizens into entrepreneurship. Just about everybody had a small business of some sort. There were roadside vendors, hair salons, tire shops, restaurants, and printing shops. The Ghanaians work very hard and are a diligent people. The work ethic present there made me more grateful for my many blessings. Likewise, it made me want to work harder.

Following that, traveling lets you see things you never knew existed. I had the opportunity to go to a village in Western Ghana called Nzulenzu. What is so special about this village is that it floats on water. Yes, you heard me right! The entire village sits on stilts in the Amansuri Lake. The people there lead a very communal but simple life. The village had a church, school, community center, store, and even a nightclub! There were pretty much a self-sufficient people, with a very rich culture. Who know that an entire town could not only exist on water but thrive there. Simply amazing.  

I had to travel to this village by a small wooden boat. My tour guide was named Gringo. He was a small, energetic guy native to a town called Beyin. We climbed onto the boat and rode through a secluded marsh. Gringo instructed me that there were alligators in the marsh even though we could not see them. Despite the hidden danger, the ride was relaxing and comfortable. I thought to myself, "What did I do to deserve such a wonderful experience?" Upon my arrival, the people were very friendly and carried about their daily chores as normal. The kids were playing and gleeful. Some people were even enjoying a day out on the lake. I got to meet a village historian who gave me a complete rundown of the town's history. I truly treasure this experience in my heart. 

Last but not least, traveling makes you a more well-rounded and interesting person. When you gather for family dinners or while you are raising your children, you will have endless stories to tell. The wisdom you gain from traveling is priceless. You can learn new skills, solutions to common problems, and even meet a new friend or the love of your life. Please get outside of the box you may have placed yourself in. The whole world can be your playground if you are willing to explore it. There are so many reasons as to why you should travel. How about you start making plans for your next trip today? 


  1. You look amazing sis and I happy that you enjoyed yourself. This definitely encouraged me to want to go out and travel. I was cracking up at the name of your tour guide. Gringo lol

  2. Lol thanks for your support!


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